
Monograph: Emmy Eklundh (2019), Emotions, protest, democracy: Collective Identities in Contemporary Spain, New York: Routledge. 
Edited volumes: 
Eklundh, Emmy and Andy Knott (2020), The Populist Manifesto, London: Rowman and Littlefield International. 
Eklundh, Emmy, Andreja Zevnik and Emmanuel-Pierre Guittet (2017), Politics of Anxiety, Rowman and Littlefield International. 
Articles and book chapters: 
Eklundh, Emmy (2020), Why populists aren’t mad, in: Eklundh, Emmy and Andy Knott (2020), The Populist Manifesto, London: Rowman and Littlefield International. 
Eklundh, Emmy (2019), ‘Our Damned Weakness: Tensions between Emotion and Reason in Podemos‘, in: Cossarini, Paolo and Fernando Vallespín, Populism and Passions: Democratic legitimacy after austerity, London: Routledge. 
Eklundh, Emmy (2018), Populism, Hegemony, and the Phantasmatic Sovereign: The Ties Between Nationalism and Left-Wing Populism, in: García Agustín, Óscar and Marco Briziarelli, Podemos and the New Political Cycle, London: Palgrave Macmillan. 
Eklundh, Emmy (2016),  “El soberano fantasmático: Las implicaciones políticas de la apropriación de Laclau por parte de Podemos (The phantasmatic sovereign: The political implications of Podemos appropriation of Laclau)”,  Relaciones Internacionales, No. 31. 
Eklundh, Emmy and Nick Turnbull (2015), ‘Political Sociology’, in: Rhodes, R. A. W. and Mark Bevir (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Interpretive Political Science, London: Routledge.
Emmy Eklundh and Andreja Zevnik (2014), Introduction to this week’s guest feature: Politics in Times of Anxiety. Open Democracy, June 2.
Emmy Eklundh (2014), Who is speaking? The Indignados as political subjects (Global Discourse, 2014)
Master’s thesis in International Relations (2011): Antifoundationalism on Hiatus – Laclau’s political theory
Bachelor’s thesis in Political Science (Swedish)(2009): Högsta prioritetet – värdegrunder i EU:s handelspolitik (Highest priority – grounding values in EU trade policy)
Bachelor’s thesis in Latin (Swedish)(2007): Måla svart, måla vitt – En studie i Ciceros tal Pro Caelio och In Pisonem (Paint it black, paint it white – A study in Cicero’s speeches Pro Caelio and In Pisonem)


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