Monograph: Emmy Eklundh (2019), Emotions, protest, democracy: Collective Identities in Contemporary Spain, New York: Routledge.
Edited volumes:
Eklundh, Emmy and Andy Knott (2020), The Populist Manifesto, London: Rowman and Littlefield International.
Eklundh, Emmy, Andreja Zevnik and Emmanuel-Pierre Guittet (2017), Politics of Anxiety, Rowman and Littlefield International.
Articles and book chapters:
Eklundh, Emmy (2020), Why populists aren’t mad, in: Eklundh, Emmy and Andy Knott (2020), The Populist Manifesto, London: Rowman and Littlefield International.
Eklundh, Emmy (2019), ‘Our Damned Weakness: Tensions between Emotion and Reason in Podemos‘, in: Cossarini, Paolo and Fernando Vallespín, Populism and Passions: Democratic legitimacy after austerity, London: Routledge.
Eklundh, Emmy (2018), Populism, Hegemony, and the Phantasmatic Sovereign: The Ties Between Nationalism and Left-Wing Populism, in: García Agustín, Óscar and Marco Briziarelli, Podemos and the New Political Cycle, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Eklundh, Emmy (2016), “El soberano fantasmático: Las implicaciones políticas de la apropriación de Laclau por parte de Podemos (The phantasmatic sovereign: The political implications of Podemos appropriation of Laclau)”, Relaciones Internacionales, No. 31.
Eklundh, Emmy and Nick Turnbull (2015), ‘Political Sociology’, in: Rhodes, R. A. W. and Mark Bevir (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Interpretive Political Science, London: Routledge.
Emmy Eklundh and Andreja Zevnik (2014), Introduction to this week’s guest feature: Politics in Times of Anxiety. Open Democracy, June 2.
PhD thesis in Politics (2015), Indignation as dissent? The affective component of protest and democracy, Manchester.
Master’s thesis in International Relations (2011): Antifoundationalism on Hiatus – Laclau’s political theory
Bachelor’s thesis in Political Science (Swedish)(2009): Högsta prioritetet – värdegrunder i EU:s handelspolitik (Highest priority – grounding values in EU trade policy)
Bachelor’s thesis in Latin (Swedish)(2007): Måla svart, måla vitt – En studie i Ciceros tal Pro Caelio och In Pisonem (Paint it black, paint it white – A study in Cicero’s speeches Pro Caelio and In Pisonem)